Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A stroll in Stanley Park

Every day so far it rains and the cloudy lie heavily on the city. I'm waiting for some movement in my business and have a few hours to kill, so I've decided to take a stroll around Stanley Park, the broad pathed, deep wooded garden park that all Vancouvers love.

And it is beautiful. It functions as Vancouver's Central Park but it is more like London's parks, with its rhododendrons and rose gardens. Maybe even a little touch of Copenhagen's Tivoli, with the dark wood lodges scattered around. The flourish that ensures you know you are in Canada - the totem poles and their animal spirits.

I walked up to the lighthouse guarding the entrance to the inlet and saw beyond that the Lionsgate suspension bridge.

But the weather is too gloomy, so I head back and cross over the promontory to English Bay. Here the waters are calmer. The tide is out and the beaches leach lazy streams of water that join the ocean at the water's edge.

Here also is the iconic stone figure of a man. You will see this image a lot during the 2010 Winter Olympics.

The weather is wintry already. I'm heading back to the office.

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